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About HPSP

The Health Professional Scholarship Program (HPSP) provides financial assistance to students receiving education or training in a direct or indirect health-care services discipline (Title 38 and Hybrid Title 38 occupations); and assists in providing an adequate supply of such personnel for the Department of Veterans Affairs (VA). HPSP helps the Veterans Health Administration (VHA) meet its need for qualified health care professionals for which recruitment or retention is difficult.

Scholarships are determined and published for VHA workforce needs.

**Coming Soon** 

FY2025/2026 eligible education programs will be posted here as the information becomes known.


In FY2024 (October 2023 – September 2024) scholarships was offered in the following areas:

* Psychiatric Mental Health NP (PMHNP) only.

*** School Psychology degrees are not eligible for this scholarship. 

**** Only those applicants will be considered who are interested in specialized pharmacy and willing to complete 2 years of post graduate training.

 General Scholarship Details
  • Full-time students:
    • Tuition and Fees – The HPSP/Vet Center award pays a participant’s school tuition and approved fees through direct payment to the school. HPSP/Vet Center assistance includes topping off any existing grants and scholarship to ensure 100% of tuition and required/mandatory fees are paid.
      Required/Mandatory Fees are defined as those fees assessed by the college or university to all students in the academic program for which the scholarship was awarded. General Guideline: If the fee is optional, the fee is not required by all participants in the plan of study, or if the student at any time can opt out of the fee, they do not qualify for reimbursement.
    • Monthly Stipend – HPSP/Vet Center will pay a monthly stipend directly to the participants. The payment is made for each month a participant is enrolled in coursework, beginning with the first month of the school year. The current stipend amount is $1,328 per month.
    • Book Stipend – HPSP/Vet Center will pay an additional stipend to help cover books, paper, pens, pencils, computers, etc. This stipend is usually paid out annually during the July/August timeframe while under scholarship.
  • Full-time VA employees are not eligible for the monthly stipend.
  • Part-time and Intermittent VA employees can receive the monthly stipend. 
  • Intermittent employees will be required to provide total hours worked at the end of each year to prove part-time status.
  • You must be full time enrolled in school unless a VA employee to be eligible for HPSP